Appalachian Swag

Appalachian Swag
Operation Swag!

Thursday, June 18, 2015


6/10/15 Mt. Algo Shelter

     21.2 miles. Damn that's crazy, even for me! Even with trail legs, the terrain is going to start getting crazy. I'm perfectly content with 18 and under days up to Maine. Besides, I feel like I'm dying. Either that or my feet will fall off, no joke.

     That and I have so much stuff to do in town that I'm planning on "zeroing" here. Thought it's a little over 3 miles walking to and from town, not including everything that needs to be done in/around town.

     However, food comes first tomorrow. mmmmmmmm foooooooodd... *drools*



6/9/15 Morgan Stewart Shelter

     7:00am. I always seem to write more often in the morning than at night. Maybe that's the trick to writing every day...

     9 miles yesterday to stop here at the Morgan Stewart Shelter. Waited till slightly after 10 am to leave cause of the rain. Since more T-storms are forecasted for this afternoon, I think I'm gonna head just to the next shelter at about 8 miles. Maybe a few more if the weather passes us by. Took a siesta in a field by a deli yesterday. Ate a ton of food then napped. Some days a siesta is required.


6/9/15 "Telephone Pole" Shelter (Actually called "Telephone Pioneer" Shelter)

     Just a quick 8 miles into camp today because it was supposed to rain/thunder all afternoon; nothing happened though. Like at all. It was rather disappointing to say the least.

     Had I moved on it would have been another 2 miles to camp near a garden center that (someone actually told us an hour or so ago) has shitty camping. Besides if I moved it would have probably definitely rained. Like the whole plan for a disaster that never happens vs plan for nothing and shit hits the fan. If that makes sense. Either way I ended up pushing a 3 mph pace so I actually want to try a 20 miles day tomorrow. The terrain doesnt look too bad, lotta flat.

      As I am writing this a woman just came up and gave Fizzi and I each a bag of carrots! Woo Trail Magic! *munch munch* Also someone, probably accidently left, what are called "Vibram Five-Fingers" I'm calling them "toe shoes". They also happen to be my size... I'm taking 'em...



6/8/15 (still) RPH Shelter

     It's 8:30am or so and it is supposed to heavily rain in the next hour or so. Since I'm only gonna do 9 miles as a cool down from yesterday. It wasn't necessarily hard, just very long. Did manage to go to a campground to get a hotdog and fries and whatnot. 9 to the next shelter with more food in between!



6/7/15 RPH Shelter

     Biggest day so far of almost 19 (18.8) damn my feet hurt. Super tired and all. Gonna sleep now.



6/6/15 Holiday Inn

     6/4 I had hiked about 10 to West Mountain Shelter. Yesterday was just under 8 into Bear Mtn. NY. Yes it IS a real city and I was surprised too. I keep saying I'll write everyday but I'm actually finding that hard. Every day I feel like my entry would be, 'Did X miles, tripped on some rocks, saw a creek, chipmunks running around...." It'd be the same day after day.

     The one random thought I had yesterday was about the TV Show "Hey Arnold!" Gerald said "My man fuzzy slippers told me..." or "Oh this? I got it from my man fuzzy slippers..." (that happens in a few episodes). It occurred to me that instead of a nickname for another kid, maybe that's just what he called his grandfather. =O Blew my mind at least.

     Also, UNDER 800 miles to Katadin! WOOOOOOO!


6/6/15 Spiritual Outdoor Center

     A short day, but sometimes short days are needed. Besides getting out of town is always hard.



6/3/15 Fingerboard Shelter

     Climbed down Agony Grind only to go up the other side through the Lemon Squeezer to end at Fingerboard Shelter. Nuff said.


PS: 16 ish miles total. 


6/2/15 Breezy Point Inn

     Another two days! I swear this won't become a habit.5/31/15 I was hiking out of the hostel. I had stayed there the night of 5/30. 5/31 I hiked a quick 5 miles up what's dubbed the "stairway to heaven". It had rained the night before, as well as that morning. The hostel the day before was about a 2 mile hike from the trail head. I didn't wanna walk the 2 miles back so I waited for Sunday church services to be over. When they were, 3 of us managed to yogi the ride back and start around 11 to climb it.

     By the time I got to the top I was drenched. Not from any rain, but my own sweat. By the top, I was praying for rain. On the way back down the other side I started hearing rumbling thunder. "Screeeeeeew that!" I ended up getting to the shelter right as it started raining. Wooo! Out-hiked the rain yet again! That morning (6/1) it was misting rain. New York, being known for rock scrambles, was very welcoming with wet slippery rocks.

     10 miles and a lot of swearing later, I had had enough. We (Fizzi and I) got to the road crossing and ended up splitting a hotel room for the night. I woke up the next morning to heavy rain. Waited till about 11ish to see if the rain would let up. Since it did not, we all (Fizzi, Robin, Shadow and I) decided to zero since the next few days will be great weather. After a zero I always feel great enough to power through the miles.

     Besides, I needed the day to mourn the loss of one of my poles; it broke.  =[ Well it still works, just rather bent courtesy of saving my ankle at the cost of bending. Somewhere between my first and fifth fall they/it bent. Waaaaahhh!! =[



5/31/15 Church Hostel

     So I haven't written the last two days.... Oops! I know last time I eventually got to the point I only wrote once or twice a week, but I'm going to try and avoid doing that.

     Even if it's only a sentence each day, I know I need to write more. 5/29 I stayed on a farm belonging to Jim Murray (didn't know Jim had a brother *cymbal crash*). He thru-hiked at some point and built a shack for hikers to sleep in. Outdoor shower and water spigot and everything, it was pretty neat.

     From there I hiked about 12 miles to where I'm currently sitting in an Episcopal Church basement that they allow hikers to use. There's AC, toilets, faucets, a sofa, what more could you want? Oh, there's a TV here too, which is awesome. Got a DVD Player and everything. One of the DVDs they have on hand is Pineapple Express (unrated) which made me laugh pretty hard. Not a very church friendly movie for sure...

     Just 5 miles today to the first shelter. Sometimes you need a short day when it's raining.

- Sam

Saturday, June 6, 2015


5/29/15 High Point State Park Office (NJ 23 gap)

     3 miles so far today with another 8 to go. Even with my video yesterday it did not explain much. Yesterday I:
 - climbed up a fire tower
 - hiked 15 miles
 - passed up two shelters
 - slept in the third
 - had pizza for breakfast
 - saw a bear
 - went the last three miles with no water
 - talked on the phone for about an hour on Sunrise Mtn.
Everyone I've talked to has said that 'while there are a lot of rocks in NJ, they arent as bad as PA.' To which I respond with a polite 'you're full of shit.' Yes they are just as bad; they are different, but still utterly awful. I would love one day of flat trail. not 'no elevation change' trail, but truly 'no rocks sticking up in the middle' trail. If this crap persists, my feet will probably fall off. As my mantra for this hike so far says, "Everything is terrible!"

 - Sam


5/28/15    Gyp's Tavern

     I saw a bear! First time I've actually seen a bear in the wild. Well, not true, really. Yesterday was the first time i saw a bear, but it doesn't count since it was only a bear cub. Couldn't have been more than 50 feet from me just kinda sniffing around. I let it do its bear things and continued downhill, out of sight. Nothing really happened but damn did it give me a shot of adrenaline. Did something like 14 yesterday to the first shelter in NJ. Poured all afternoon into the night yesterday so I didn't feel like writing. In the tavern today continuing the deli bit. 3 miles down, 12 to go...

 - Sam


5/26/15   Mohican Outdoor Center (MOC)

     10.3 miles over more rocks hurt my feet. Baby blisters make walking around even without boots a challenge. However what I was thinking most of today was that I passed some day hikers. They were coming down as I was going up (duh). I had to have only gone 3 miles when the girl turns to me and says, "You're almost there!" It made me think rather hard since i knew i hadn't even gone halfway today. I'm almost there? Almost where? Maine? to home? to the lake? (I was / had to walk around that 3 miles farther.) to New York? WHERE AM I?!???? Though it got me thinking how everyone is 'almost there'. Almost to happiness, healthiness, home, career, etc. You're almost always there, and sometimes you have to push yourself to get there. Whether it's pushing yourself to finish the trail, to finish a project, to find that someone, whatever it is. God I  sound like a motivational poster, I'm getting the hell out of here before I vomit. Starting the 'deli-to-deli' hike in NJ/NY. Yay food!

 - Sam